Once the shop had only one lang active, all was fine. But from the moment i activated 2 languages to be active at a time, in export i started getting double exported same order which was not the case before.
https://prnt.sc/10xnl89 as you can see on screnshot Column A is order ID, and Column N is Product name. Item is ordered only once, but i always get double export of it.
What would be the query to alter it to filter and export only one and not double.
Double export
Hello Daniel!
Firstly, thanks for the great tool!
Here is the question..
Once the shop had only one lang active, all was fine. But from the moment i activated 2 languages to be active at a time, in export i started getting double exported same order which was not the case before.
https://prnt.sc/10xnl89 as you can see on screnshot Column A is order ID, and Column N is Product name. Item is ordered only once, but i always get double export of it.
What would be the query to alter it to filter and export only one and not double.