Planet Position Calculator in JavaScript
Keplerian Elements for Approximate Positions of the Major Planets Based on the paper written by E. M. Standish, Solar System Dynamics Group JPL/Caltech
Code is also available for download on GitHub
* Keplerian Elements for Approximate Positions of the Major Planets
* Based on the paper written by E. M. Standish, Solar System Dynamics Group JPL/Caltech
* Programmed by Daniel BP (, 02/06/2019
* Updated on 23/11/2020
function computeEclipticCoordinates(keplerianElementsTable, planetIndex, UNIXMilliTime){
let deg2rad = Math.PI/180;
let Teph = UNIXMilliTime/1000/86400 + 2440587.5; //Julian Ephemeris Date
let T = (Teph-2451545)/36525; //Centuries past J2000.0
//Calculations of the Keplerian elements
let a0 = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][1]; //semi-major axis (initial)
let at = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][7]; //semi-major axis (century variation)
let a = a0+at*T; //semi-major axis
let e0 = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][2]; //eccentricity (initial)
let et = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][8]; //eccentricity (century variation)
let e = e0+et*T; //eccentricity
let I0 = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][3]; //inclination (initial)
let It = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][9]; //inclination (century variation)
let I = I0 + It*T; //inclination
let L0 = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][4]; //mean longitude (initial)
let Lt = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][10]; //mean longitude (century variation)
let L = L0+Lt*T; //mean longitude
let W0 = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][5]; //longitude of perihelion (initial)
let Wt = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][11]; //longitude of perihelion (century variation)
let W = W0+Wt*T; //longitude of perihelion
let O0 = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][6]; //longitude of ascending node (initial)
let Ot = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][12]; //longitude of ascending node (century variation)
let O = O0+Ot*T; //longitude of ascending node
//Auxiliary parameters for the 3000 BC - 3000 AD period
let b = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][13];
let c = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][14];
let s = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][15];
let f = keplerianElementsTable[planetIndex][16];
//Argument of perihelion w
let w = W-O;
//Mean anomaly M
let M = L-W+b*Math.pow(T,2)+c*Math.cos(deg2rad*f*T)+s*Math.sin(deg2rad*f*T);
if(M < -180 || M > 180) M = M % 360; //Modulus M to be between -180 and 180
//Solve the Kepler Equation for the eccentric anomaly E
let E = solveKeplerEquation(M,e);
//Heliocentric coordinates
let x1 = a*(Math.cos(deg2rad*E)-e);
let y1 = a*Math.sqrt(1-(e*e))*Math.sin(deg2rad*E);
let z1 = 0;
//Auxiliary trigonometric calculations
let cosw = Math.cos(deg2rad*w);
let sinw = Math.sin(deg2rad*w);
let cosO = Math.cos(deg2rad*O);
let sinO = Math.sin(deg2rad*O);
let cosI = Math.cos(deg2rad*I);
let sinI = Math.sin(deg2rad*I);
//J2000 Ecliptic Plane Coordinates
let Xecl = (cosw*cosO - sinw*sinO*cosI)*x1 + (-sinw*cosO - cosw*sinO*cosI)*y1;
let Yecl = (cosw*sinO + sinw*cosO*cosI)*x1 + (-sinw*sinO + cosw*cosO*cosI)*y1;
let Zecl = (sinw*sinI)*x1 + (cosw*sinI)*y1;
//Result array
let EclipticCoordinates = [Xecl, Yecl, Zecl];
return EclipticCoordinates;
function convertToICRF(EclipticCoordinates){
let deg2rad = Math.PI/180;
let E = 23.43928;
let cosE = Math.cos(deg2rad*E);
let sinE = Math.sin(deg2rad*E);
let Xeq = EclipticCoordinates[0];
let Yeq = cosE*EclipticCoordinates[1]-sinE*EclipticCoordinates[2];
let Zeq = sinE*EclipticCoordinates[1]+cosE*EclipticCoordinates[2];
//Result array
let ICRFCoordinates = [Xeq, Yeq, Zeq];
return ICRFCoordinates;
function solveKeplerEquation(M,e) {
let e1 = 180/Math.PI*e;
let deg2rad = Math.PI/180;
let E0 = M+e1*Math.sin(M*deg2rad);
let tolerance = 10e-6;
let dE;
let dM;
let E1 = E0;
let E2 = 0;
let difE1E2 = 1;
for (let i=0; (i<1000) && (difE1E2 > tolerance); i++){
dM = M - (E1 - e1*Math.sin(deg2rad*E1));
dE = dM/(1-e*Math.cos(deg2rad*E1));
difE1E2 = Math.abs(E1-E2);
return E2;
//Keplerian elements and their rates, with respect to the mean ecliptic
//and equinox of J2000, valid for the time-interval 1800 AD - 2050 AD.
// a0 e0 I0 L0 W0 O0 at et It Lt Wt Ot b c s f
let keplerianElements2050 = [
["Mercury", 0.38709927, 0.20563593, 7.00497902, 252.25032350, 77.45779628, 48.33076593, 0.00000037 , 0.00001906 , -0.00594749, 149472.67411175, 0.16047689, -0.12534081, 0, 0, 0, 0],
["Venus", 0.72333566, 0.00677672, 3.39467605, 181.97909950, 131.60246718, 76.67984255, 0.00000390 , -0.00004107, -0.00078890, 58517.81538729 , 0.00268329, -0.27769418, 0, 0, 0, 0],
["EM Bary", 1.00000261, 0.01671123, -0.00001531, 100.46457166, 102.93768193, 0.0 , 0.00000562 , -0.00004392, -0.01294668, 35999.37244981 , 0.32327364, 0.0 , 0, 0, 0, 0],
["Mars", 1.52371034, 0.09339410, 1.84969142, -4.55343205, -23.94362959, 49.55953891, 0.00001847 , -0.00007882 , -0.00813131, 19140.30268499 , 0.44441088, -0.29257343, 0, 0, 0, 0],
["Jupiter", 5.20288700, 0.04838624, 1.30439695, 34.39644051, 14.72847983, 100.47390909, -0.00011607, -0.00013253 , -0.00183714, 3034.74612775 , 0.21252668, 0.20469106 , 0, 0, 0, 0],
["Saturn", 9.53667594, 0.05386179, 2.48599187, 49.95424423, 92.59887831, 113.66242448, -0.00125060, -0.00050991 , 0.00193609, 1222.49362201 , -0.41897216, -0.28867794, 0, 0, 0, 0],
["Uranus", 19.18916464, 0.04725744, 0.77263783, 313.23810451, 170.95427630, 74.01692503, -0.00196176, -0.00004397 , -0.00242939, 428.48202785 , 0.40805281, 0.04240589, 0, 0, 0, 0],
["Neptune", 30.06992276, 0.00859048, 1.77004347, -55.12002969, 44.96476227, 131.78422574, 0.00026291, 0.00005105 , 0.00035372, 218.45945325 , -0.32241464, -0.00508664, 0, 0, 0, 0],
["Pluto", 39.48211675, 0.24882730, 17.14001206, 238.92903833, 224.06891629, 110.30393684, -0.00031596, 0.00005170 , 0.00004818, 145.20780515 , -0.04062942, -0.01183482, 0, 0, 0, 0]
//Keplerian elements and their rates, with respect to the mean ecliptic and equinox of J2000,
//valid for the time-interval 3000 BC -- 3000 AD.
// a0 e0 I0 L0 W0 O0 at et It Lt Wt Ot b c s f
let keplerianElements3000 = [
["Mercury", 0.38709843, 0.20563661, 7.00559432, 252.25166724, 77.45771895, 48.33961819, 0.00000000, 0.00002123, -0.00590158, 149472.67486623, 0.15940013, -0.12214182, 0, 0, 0, 0],
["Venus", 0.72332102, 0.00676399, 3.39777545, 181.97970850, 131.76755713, 76.67261496, -0.00000026, -0.00005107, 0.00043494, 58517.81560260, 0.05679648, -0.27274174, 0, 0, 0, 0],
["EM Bary", 1.00000018, 0.01673163, -0.00054346, 100.46691572, 102.93005885, -5.11260389, -0.00000003, -0.00003661, -0.01337178, 35999.37306329, 0.31795260, -0.24123856, 0, 0, 0, 0],
["Mars", 1.52371243, 0.09336511, 1.85181869, -4.56813164, -23.91744784, 49.71320984, 0.00000097, 0.00009149, -0.00724757, 19140.29934243, 0.45223625, -0.26852431, 0, 0, 0, 0],
["Jupiter", 5.20248019, 0.04853590, 1.29861416, 34.33479152, 14.27495244, 100.29282654, -0.00002864, 0.00018026, -0.00322699, 3034.90371757, 0.18199196, 0.13024619, -0.00012452, 0.06064060, -0.35635438, 38.35125000],
["Saturn", 9.54149883, 0.05550825, 2.49424102, 50.07571329, 92.86136063, 113.63998702, -0.00003065, -0.00032044, 0.00451969, 1222.11494724, 0.54179478, -0.25015002, 0.00025899, -0.13434469, 0.87320147, 38.35125000],
["Uranus", 19.18797948, 0.04685740, 0.77298127, 314.20276625, 172.43404441, 73.96250215, -0.00020455, -0.00001550, -0.00180155, 428.49512595, 0.09266985, 0.05739699, 0.00058331, -0.97731848, 0.17689245, 7.67025000],
["Neptune", 30.06952752, 0.00895439, 1.77005520, 304.22289287, 46.68158724, 131.78635853, 0.00006447, 0.00000818, 0.00022400, 218.46515314, 0.01009938, -0.00606302, -0.00041348, 0.68346318, -0.10162547, 7.67025000],
["Pluto", 39.48686035, 0.24885238, 17.14104260, 238.96535011, 224.09702598, 110.30167986, 0.00449751, 0.00006016, 0.00000501, 145.18042903, -0.00968827, -0.00809981, -0.01262724, 0, 0, 0]
Gemini and Mercury
I was wondering whether you will also include Uranus since some people say this planet does not belong to the group. Especially when it comes to astrology and Gemini worst traits, such as nervousness or multitasking, people get upset when talking about Mercury.